Friday 30 January 2015

Isometric Pixel Art Project

Cube and Cylinder
Today in our morning session we were taught the basics of isometric pixel art, which as seen above we started off by making a cube and cylinder which would be the basics of our retro robot.

Robot Outline
After that we were then allowed to make a retro robot using the techniques that we used to make the cube and cylinder.

Robot Colour
Finally after the outline I then started to colour in my robot with some flat colours. Then I started to add lighter colours with the opacity down to build up a level of 3D quality to my robot. 

Friday 23 January 2015

Mudbox T-Rex Model Project

T-Rex Model
Today we had a go at Mudbox where we learnt all the basics and then we applied them to a basic mesh of  a T-Rex. in mud box we were able to shape and add fine detail to the mesh. After that we then moved on to painting which is similar to Photoshop. Finally we were then able to render it and make a turn table video to show off our T-Rex models.

T-Rex Video

Thursday 22 January 2015

Muscles Anatomy Assignment

Step 1-Mood Board
For the second part of the human anatomy we had to practice and design a diagram of the muscles in a human body. First I started with a mood board of several muscle structures to give me some idea what to sketch and then paint up for a final design.

Step 2-Sketches
I then started to sketch some muscles out to give myself a better understanding of the structure and pattern of the muscles.

Step 3-Outcome
Then I started to paint up a full front and back view of a male muscle anatomy as best I could, which I am proud of because it looks really real. I achieved this by doing half of it and then copying and pasting it to make it a whole.

Step 4-Diagram
Finally I started to add the labels to my painting to show, where I thought the muscle were on the body. This second part of the assignment was more enjoyable and has even helped me out in other areas such as digitally painting where I was struggling at the beginning.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Maya Uss Enterprise Project

Step 1
For our first modeling task since December we had to model the Uss Enterprise ship. We started off with a blue print of the ship (as seen above) from there we were able to place the image on a plane in Maya and then cut and past the different views on to the same sized planes. Which we were then able to build a construction sheet to help model the ship.

Step 2
After that we then had to began with the base, we started off with a cube then we began to expand it to get the key length and then we started to manipulate and add vertexes to gain the shape needed. Also using the key button 3 I am able to smooth out the model.

Step 3
Then we had to finish the ship in our spare time so I then moved on to the ship's rockets which was similar to the base. To create the sensor we used the pen tool to create a custom shape.

Step 5
Finally I then made the dish which I extruded top and bottom to create its shape as in the blue prints. This task was a challenge but it was a good because it gives us to test and get use to the controls again.

Friday 9 January 2015

Lizard Man Project

Step 1 - Sketch
Today in class we had to digitally paint over the Lizard Man (seen above) we learnt techniques that could help speed up the process. 

Step 2 - Mask Layer
First we started with a mask layer of the colour that would be the base for our concept, and I also used the rubber tool to erase any strokes that went over the lines. I added a shadow underneath him so that it would not look like he is floating on the page. 

Step 3 - Colours
 Next I started to paint over the mask layer on a different layer. The sketch itself is above the mask and painted layer, this helps me to find different layers of the character's body.

Step 4 - Armour
The next step is the armour which is the same proses as before but this time I paint straight onto the mask with colours to suggest lighting and shadowing.

Step 5 - Texture
On this step I started off by adding his eye and then slowly moving on to the final stages which involves texturing. I used a rough metal texture on his skin to suggest a pattern on his skin.

Step 6 - Scales
Finally the last step I added a scale texture and wrapped it to fit in certain areas such as the neck and tail. After that it was a case of fixing a few things and then I was done.