Friday 9 January 2015

Lizard Man Project

Step 1 - Sketch
Today in class we had to digitally paint over the Lizard Man (seen above) we learnt techniques that could help speed up the process. 

Step 2 - Mask Layer
First we started with a mask layer of the colour that would be the base for our concept, and I also used the rubber tool to erase any strokes that went over the lines. I added a shadow underneath him so that it would not look like he is floating on the page. 

Step 3 - Colours
 Next I started to paint over the mask layer on a different layer. The sketch itself is above the mask and painted layer, this helps me to find different layers of the character's body.

Step 4 - Armour
The next step is the armour which is the same proses as before but this time I paint straight onto the mask with colours to suggest lighting and shadowing.

Step 5 - Texture
On this step I started off by adding his eye and then slowly moving on to the final stages which involves texturing. I used a rough metal texture on his skin to suggest a pattern on his skin.

Step 6 - Scales
Finally the last step I added a scale texture and wrapped it to fit in certain areas such as the neck and tail. After that it was a case of fixing a few things and then I was done.

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