Sunday 10 April 2016

One Room Game Assignment (Prop Concepts)

After the characters the next stage was to design the props and furniture to populate the room, this varied from paintings to room colour schemes and large furniture like the table. For these concepts I followed the same concept for each one, by starting off with four silhouettes then once I chose one I then created a miniature model sheet. Which would be allowed to help me put the developed concept into the correct perspective. So with that done I made the developed concept with dull colours like grey's, white and a bit off black for the lighting and shadowing. Finally I began to add colour and textures which I placed on the concept sheet to use as a sample for the different colour variations. I then chose one as a final design. For the paintings of the safe and bathroom I just used the inspiration from different Art Deco paintings, which then lead me to try and create my own version for the game environment. Overall I am proud with these concepts as I have never done prop designs before, the only improvement is again trying to get the perspective right but I am improving slowly.

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