Friday 20 November 2015

Olivia Persnal Project

Stage 1-Outline
This is a personal project that I started working on to help me get back into digital painting. For this it just started off being a simple sketching process which lead me to a good out come that I was proud of.

Stage 2-Base Colour
After sketching I moved on to add base colour for the character and then move the base colour layer above the sketch.

Stage 3-Layer Painting
Now I could add some layers of painting to help bring out the characters structure and depth in both the hair and body.

Stage 4-Background and Editing
After painting on several layers I then moved on to adding a background in the window to show the sign of a world beyond. I then also altered the characters colours and brightness.

Stage 5-Adding Detail
Then I started adding detail in her body which became her clothes, as well as adding depth and shine to the window, this process is quit quick.

Stage 6-Adding Textures
To add the textures in the clothes I made some custom textures in Photoshop which I then applied to the character's body I as morphed it to fit and flow with the body. 

Stage 7-Adjustments
Soon after I completed adding the textures I then began to use some adjustment settings to help give the character some warmth and contrast. I used a mixture of  Levels, Brightness/Contrast, Hue/Saturation and Channel Mixer. to help give me the effect I wanted and once I was happy with the outcome I then merged it down on to the layer of the character, so it would not effect the window or background.

Stage 8-Final Details
Before finishing off the character I then started to clean up any areas that were mistakes or adding some last minute details, like one of the feet. It was too low down so I used the lasso tool to select it and movie it up and then the clone tool to make bend with the rest of the leg.

Stage 9-Shadowing and Lighting
Finally I decided to add some more light with the doge tool and add a shadow. The shadow is quite easy I simply copied the character and dropped its brightness values all the way down till it was black, I then pulled the silhouette down and dropped its opacity. Once I was happy I then put the shadow layer behind the character to show the shadow coming from her. Overall I am really proud of the outcome and hopefully doing more work like this will help me improve.

Thursday 5 November 2015

3D Sig Personal Project

All Stages-ZBrush Video
After my Zbrush session learning Dynamesh and IMM, I started to practice my skills by making a 3D model of Sig. A character from one of my projects I did last year about a small Dumbo Octopus. The video above shows my process which I went through this was a mixture of different things that I have learnt in ZBrush this term.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Combat Knife Project

Stage 1-Combat Knife Reference
For our first session back with Maya we are shown how to use Quad Draw and Multi Cut to help create a base for a High Res Combat Knife that I will hopefully be able to model. We used the shader to attach a reference image to a plane so we could create use it to begin the base of the model.

Stage 2-Base of  the Model
Now that the reference image was in place I could move on to using Quad Draw and Multi Cut to create the base model. Once I was finished using Quad Draw and Multi Cut I then used Extrude to move up the flat model to a 3D structure. Once this was done I then moved on to adding a inner raised level to create a grip for the knife handle as well as adding holes for the nails. Finally to finish the handle off I added a bevel to the edges of the grip and handle to help smooth it off.

Stage 3-Rest of the Model
When I was done with the handle I moved on to the actual blade of the knife and used the same technique as above but keeping the handle and blade as two separate objects. This part I did struggle with at first but once I understood the error it was quite easy to correct.