Tuesday 22 September 2015

Cyborg Project

Step 1-Narrative and Character Bio
For our summer assignment we had to model a cyborg character using the techniques we had learnt over the year to best of our ability. To start off I wrote a short story narrative about the characters background and on a separate sheet I typed up a character bio which lists the characters features and traits.

Step 2-Thumbnail Sketches
Then I moved on to rough silhouettes of my cyborg character. These silhouettes can give me a clear idea of what its structure could be like as well as her features.

Step 3-Final Piece
After choosing a silhouette I moved on to the final stage of my cyborg character, which involved digitally painting and adding detail. This was a very effective way of working as I have used this work flow before but the outcome was less effective this time however the proportions are much better.

Step 4-Model Sheet
Then I moved on to a model sheet which has a front and side view this would allow me to model my character in Maya with a rough guide.

Step 5-Low Polygon Model
After sketching up the model sheet I then imported it into Maya to model my cyborg character as a low polygon model under 15000 triangles.

Step 6-UV Mapping
Then I moved on to the UV mapping which meant for me to unfold the character. This part is quite technical and something I do struggle with often.

Step 7-Modeling in Mudbox
Now I have able to import my character's low polygon model into Mudbox to try and add detail for a high polygon model. Over all I am proud with what I have as modeling is my weak point but with practice I do believe I could improve.

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