Monday 16 March 2015

Anthropomorphic Character Project

Step 1-Mood Board
For this Project we have to create an anthropomorphic character from the inspiration of Frogs or Toads. As usual I have started off be researching with a mood board of things that could inspire me.

Step 2-Rough Sketches
From the mood board I then move on to rough sketches which will give me an idea of what the character's position should be.

Step 3-Silhouette
Then from those rough sketches I chose three to make into silhouettes. These silhouettes can give me a clear idea of what its structure could be like.

Step 5-Final Outcome
Finally after choosing a silhouette I moved on to the final stage of my Frog character, which involved digitally painting and adding shading and lighting. This was a very effective way of working and has brought a good final result.

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