Saturday 6 December 2014

Skeleton Anatomy Assignment

Step 1-Mood Board
For our assignment we had to show we understand the human body, more specific the skeleton's bones and joints. As with a lot of the set work I start off with a mood board of skeletons, bones and a few joints.

Step 2-Sketches
After I researched I then began to practice drawing skeletons and certain  bones. To prepare me for my final sketch which I would draw on the computer to get use to drawing on the computer which is a key skill I will need to get use to.

Step 3-Final Sketch
 Here is my final sketch done in Photoshop, which shows the front, back and side view of a human skeleton.

Step 4-Bones
Now I began to use my final sketch to show where different types of the bones are on the body.

Step 5-Joints
Finally I did a similar diagram to the bones one, but this time for the joints on the body.

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