Thursday 11 December 2014

Maya Temple Assignment

Reference Image

Starting Point
For our Winter Maya Assignment we have to model a temple using a reference image as shown above. First I started with the columns, pillars and sides for the basic shapes then, I started to work on the walls using a Cube; however for the roof I used a Pyramid shape.

Model in Maya
After that I started to place the parts together allowing one half to be done, but for the second half I mirrored the model to get the whole temple base.

Roof Texture
Wall Texture 

Textured Model
Then I started to place textures using the textures above allowing me to give the temple more of a real touch to it all this was a perfect opportunity to practice my knowledge of UV mapping and texturing which I had struggled with in the past.

Final Details
Finally after adding the textures to the temple I moved on to add details that were in the reference image.

Final Outcome
Then finally I completed my attempted at the temple model, I personally think it went well and I have improved texturing in Maya. The over all model was fun to build and was a perfect chance to practice the skills we have learnt in Maya so far.

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