Thursday 31 March 2016

Quixel Urn Project

Stage 1-Quixel
For this project we practice using a mixture of textures to create a unique texture for the urn. With the use of Quixel I was able to select the certain part of the urn and pillar to add different textures, this was possible with the colour map. I had practised this before with the brick model.

Stage 2-Outcome
The outcome I think was a success as I assigned textures that I felt worked well with the purpose of the model.

Wednesday 16 March 2016

ZBrush Fiber Mesh Project

For this experiment I tried out a technique in ZBrush to make a hair for my character later on with the use of Fiber Mesh. To use this was quite fun and easy but I believe it would be too high poly for what I wanted for my character. But the experience of using this was amazing and I might have to play around with more to get a better result with some more time to have an in-depth experiment.

Friday 11 March 2016

Quixel Brick Project

Stage 1-Materail Quixel Brick
This is a continue of the brick model, however I had an issue with Quixel which as a result it wouldn't let me use my brick model, so I had to use a model my tutor made to experiment around with. For this I had to practice to use the textures in Quixel to make a custom texture for the brick path way.

Stage 2-Quixel Brick
The finished result was a success as seen above with a mix of different textures to create a unique texture for the brick path way. I will use these techniques to create a scene for my character as in the concept I did she is against a brick wall.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Model Brick Project

Stage 1-High Poly Model
To start off the brick model I made a simple high poly brick which was made out of individual cubes that are separated. Then I selected them all and exported them out as an Obj file, which could then be imported into ZBrush. 

Stage 2-New High Poly Model
Once I imported the Obj file I began to add more detail and polys to the model so that this could become the new high poly model. Finally I saved the new high ploy as an Obj file for xNormal.

Stage 3-Low Poly Model
After I made the new high poly model I then transformed the it into a low poly which would become essential a plane. Then I imported it into Maya to save as an Obj file for xNormal.

Stage 4-xNormal
Once I had the high poly and low ploy model saved as Obj files I uploaded them to xNormal so I could generate a normal map, colour map and cavity map for the use of Quixel later on.