Wednesday 5 November 2014

Monster Project

Step 1 - Mood Board
This week's project was to design a monster, I looked at different monsters. But I had a thought and remembered back to my childhood of a monster that looked like a ballerina but had a skull head, claw hands and a sharp blade attached to her wrists. This is why I added the ballerina into my monster mood board to help me get the pose right and also an idea of ballerinas posture and elegance. This has given me an idea to develop on monsters that I have made during my childhood.

Step 2 - Initial Ideas
Night Terrors
This is my first monster a Night Terror, a creature that stalks its target before slicing them in half. Also Night Terrors are big monsters and wear masks so they can breath clearly.

Melaniya Dancers
This is my second monster called Melaniya Dancer. Melaniya means black or dark in Russian, which is fitting considering this monster is a ballerina dressed in black and has a skull head. she also has claw hands and blades attached to her wrists. This monster will dance towards it's target and start slicing them while in mid dance.

This is my third monster called Quietus, a small stubby creature but don't let size fool you this monster is aggressive and will kill you without a second thought.
Step 3 Final Idea
I have chosen the Melaniya Dancer as she is more interesting in my opinion and can show of a dark beauty. I decided to play around with layers, levels and colours rather than digitally paint her, mainly because I want to experiment with different ways of colouring in.

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