Thursday 26 February 2015

Rock Monster Project

Step 1-Mood Board
For this project I struggled on what to design but I used the mood board that I put together, with that I was able to get an idea to design a Dragon made of stone.

Step 2-Rough Sketch
So after the research I then moved on to drawing out some rough sketches in Photoshop and from there I chose my chosen design to further develop.

Step 3-Final Outcome
Finally I started to paint out the base colours and then I practices some of the new techniques I had learnt in class. Such as overlay layer, texturing and the lava technique. This was a perfect chance to experiment with some of the new techniques which I think I have improved on, apart from the lava one that was a bit more harder to understand but over all I am happy with the outcome. 

Sunday 22 February 2015

Paint Over Vampire Project

Vampire Model
After the Spaceship Turret we moved on to a 3D model image of a Vampire which we had to apply the same skills and technique we learnt for the Turret.

Vampire Model Textured

Friday 20 February 2015

Paint Over Project

Step 1-Spaceship Turret Model
For today's session we learnt a technique in Photoshop called Paint Over. This means a 3D object like the Spaceship Turret would be placed into Photoshop as a flat image ready for the Paint Over technique.

Step 2-Spaceship Turret Model Texture
After the image is placed into Photoshop we then use textures a manipulate them to fit the object, the texture layers are also on a mode called Overly. This allows the textures to lower their opacity while keeping it's visual strength.

Step 3-Spaceship Turret Model Details
Finally after the textures are placed over the object, I then took the chance to add a few details like a colour layer which changed it to have more of a blue tint, then a rough painted symbol and a painted  hatch door with type.

Friday 13 February 2015

Lava Monster Project

Lava Monster Model
Today's session we learnt how to create a lava effect and then apply it to a 3D model as seen above.

Lava Monster
To achieve the lava effect we used a normal brush but added a glow effect which was done by double clicking on the chosen layer and ticking the glow boxes. This meant on this layer where ever I drew a glow effect would appear. As you can see my attempt at the lava effect was a great start in my opinion but I think it maybe a bit too vibrant. All I can do is practice some more and gain the skill to make it more of a success.

Lava Light Show